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Promotional Materials
OMG - Letter - The Vision - 2.4MB (pdf)
OMG - Poster - 2.2MB (pdf)
OMG - Post Cards - Front - .9 MB (pdf)
OMG - Post Cards - Back - 1 MB (pdf)
Make A Stand To Honor God
Sept. 11, 2009
Lake Eola Amphitheater
Downtown Orlando
11am - 9pm
Imagine millions of people, all over the country, taking one hour from their busy schedule, on the same day, at the same time, during a work week, to show business isn’t as usual to honor God.
The One God Movement™ is the beginning of a revolution to Stop the Silence and Stand for our Father in heaven as He calls us to stand for our young generations and the ones to come.
IT IS TIME! Time for us to humble ourselves before God, our children, and our young generations, and say please forgive us for being so busy, complacent, and distracted, that we have become silent as the minority try to take our spiritual foundation and freedoms away. Don't just be another number. Make a mark. Show your children they are important, and that they can be world changers if they have faith and stand for their beliefs. Now is the time to make a change for our future generations. We can no longer pass the responsibilities onto our political leaders, pastors, and those in authority. We must do our part. We must stand, as it states in Ephesians 6:13, "when you have done all to stand: STAND!"
It is time to bring the Word of God back into our schools. If our children can learn about Islam, witchcraft, and evolution, the Word of God should also be made available for their spiritual consumption. The Word of God is the wisdom our forefathers placed the foundation of our country on over 200 years ago, to give strength, faith, and hope to withstand all obstacles and circumstances that may come our way.
Don't let the enemy steal any longer!
Be aware of your choices.
You can choose to do something now.
You can choose to procrastinate once again.
"All that is required for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing." Quote by Edmund Burke.
The One God Movement™ is a wake up call to the body of Christ to come out from under their rocks, and show, through Christ, we are a force to be reckoned with.
No longer will we be silent, while the enemy steals the heart and knowledge of God from our children and generations to come. Acquiescence means to agree by silence. In our country if someone commits a crime, and you are aware of it, and do nothing, you are in agreement. Does this mean that when a few decided to take the Word of God out of our schools in 1948, we were accomplices? And then, in 1963, when we removed prayer from our children's schools, were we accomplices? Now, as they rumor to take our Father's name from our currency and government buildings, are you an accomplice? How long will we be silent? Shall we wait until they pass a law that if we are in possession of a Bible, we will be imprisoned? It took one man to stop slavery. It took one woman to pass a law to murder our unborn children. It took one man to build an ark, and it will take one body - the body of Christ, to build the Faith of mankind; to humble themselves and turn their hearts back to the one God our forefathers designated as the foundation of this country.
President Lincoln called for the nation to take the day off on April 30, 1863, and in humility go to our Father in heaven. On Sept. 11th let’s re-enact this movement to show that we will not be silent, that we will stand for our freedoms. An excerpt From President Lincoln's Letter (written for April 30, 1863, as a Day of National Humiliation, Fasting, and Prayer): "We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven. We have been preserved, these many years, in peace and prosperity. We have grown in numbers, wealth, and power as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand, which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with broken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us! It behooves us, then, to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness."
If repentance does not follow sin, judgment will. Repentance restores our relationship with God. Prepare to make a stand on Sept. 11, 2009 from 11am to 9pm, all denominations coming together as one voice. Let us look beyond our differences; and to our one and only God. Pray for the fear of God to come back into man, to humble ourselves and allow God to do a work in the hearts of us all. We must place Him first in our lives, to give back what isn't ours in the first place - our families, possessions, and even our gifts/talents that are from Him. Get a little uncomfortable and press in. Go to your nearest flagpole from 12 to 1pm, or join us at Lake Eola's amphitheater in downtown Orlando. We will have worship, prayer, and music as we stand for God. Invite your co-workers, family, and friends to join you. Check your children out of school for one hour. MAKE A STAND!
This will be the debut of a new song of freedom that will ring throughout our land, dedicated to our youth, children who have been exploited, raped, murdered, and sold. For the students who have lost their lives on school campuses since we removed God's Word and prayer from our schools, and for all the innocent slaughtered in and outside the womb through our sins of silence. You do not want to miss it. The One God Movement™ is the beginning of a revolution to Stop the Silence and Stand for our Father in heaven who gives strength to the weary, faith to the hopeless, and hope for our eternal salvation. Statistics say that our young generation knows Him the least, but we feel God has called them to resound His name the highest. Remember: He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond whatever we ask or think.
Expect Great Things,
LuAnne Anderson